Create Hollywood Style Visual Effects in Fusion!
This DaVinci Resolve course unlocks your ability to make MOVIE MAGIC!
Learn the basics of creating AWESOME visual effects in Fusion!
Discover professional techniques, for tracking, keying, and compositing 3D elements.
Understand complex node structures to create movie magic!
The Ultimate Guide to VFX in DaVinci Resolve!
PRO COMPOSITING & VFX IN FUSION was designed as the ULTIMATE compositing course for anyone who wants to learn to make magic in DaVinci Resolve!
It’s TWO COURSES of solid gold VFX wisdom, explained in plain language, so you can make awesome effects!
In the Beginner course, we’ll explore the foundations of working in the Fusion page, creating composites with Nodes, and start slowly to build a great base of knowledge and get you comfortable. From there, we’ll explore several projects to build on your VFX knowledge. Work on green screen, set extensions, and composite 3D renders into live-action footage!
The teaching methods in this class have unlocked the creativity of thousands of students around the world.
If you want to make AMAZING VFX in DaVinci Resolve, we got you covered!